Katarina Setiawan adalah Chief Economist & Investment Strategist PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia yang bergabung pada 1 Juli 2013. Ia meraih gelar Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi dengan konsentrasi di ilmu keuangan dari Universitas Trisaksi dan gelar MBA dari Indiana University, Bloomington, AS. Katarina memperoleh izin Wakil Manajer Investasi dari Bapepam sejak 30 April 1999.
Katarina telah memiliki pengalaman selama lebih dari 25 tahun di industri keuangan dan pasar modal. Sebelum bergabung dengan MAMI, Katarina bekerja di Maybank Kim Eng Securities sebagai Research Director. Sebelumnya Katarina bekerja sebagai Director di IBAS Consulting, Director di Omni Nusantara dan Supervisor Consultant di Arthur Andersen & Co. (di Jakarta, New York City dan Chicago, Amerika Serikat).
Stifanus bertanggung jawab dalam menganalisa saham dengan fokus pada sektor telekomunikasi, material, ritel dan properti. Stifanus memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 11 tahun di industri keuangan. Sebelum bergabung di PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia (MAMI), Stifanus bekerja sebagai Research Analyst di RHB Securities Indonesia, Investment Analyst di CLSA Indonesia, Equity Research Analyst di Bahana Securities dan Research Analyst di Wellington Capital Ad. Stifanus memperoleh izin Wakil Manajer Investasi dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No.: KEP-49/PM.211/WMI/2018. Stifanus meraih gelar sarjana ekonomi dari Universitas Indonesia. Stifanus telah lulus CFA level 2.
Ray Kwok joined CIMB in 2004 and currently covers Tech component and Small caps. He has been in the equity industry since 1986, with stints in James Capel (HSBC) and JP Morgan for eight years. Ray also has buy-side experience as an analyst at EK Investment Management Ltd for 10 years from 1994. Ray's experience gives him great depth in stock picking, especially in small and mid-caps in the Hong Kong market due to his over 20 years’ experience in the equity market. He has also established a extensive relationship with the Chinese smartphone component manufacturers since initiating coverage on the sector in 2013.
Ryan joined CGS-CIMB in May 2022, and currently covers the Indonesia technology, retail, and healthcare sectors. Ryan had previously covered several industries prior to CGS-CIMB, namely metal & mining, consumer discretionary, and real-estate. He started his capital market career with Verdhana Securities (local partner of Deutsche Bank & Nomura) in 2019 as an associate before joining Citigroup in 2021 as a healthcare and metal & mining analyst.
Aline Wiratmaja began her broadcasting career in 2006 with Global TV. Aline, who has a Bachelor of Political Science, International Relations from Gadjah Mada University has been entrusted with various positions throughout her broadcasting career ranging as a TV producer, content curator, business and news anchor. Aline also has lots of pashion with the world of investment as she entitled from several certifications as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Certified Technical Analyst (CTA) and Broker-Dealer Representative License (WPPE).